Vitaly - NZ - Australia (covetor) wrote,
Vitaly - NZ - Australia

Вакансия админа

Всем привет в этом чате :)

Появилась позиция Technical Specialist – Windows

Salary Band Based on experience

-Minimum 2 years Windows server/platform management experience
-Minimum 5 years experience in end user computing environment (desktop/server)

-Detailed expertise in Windows server 2008 / 2012
-Detailed expertise in Server Hardware – fault finding etc
-Detailed expertise in Active Directory / DNS / DHCP / group policy / PowerShell
-Detailed expertise in Windows file and print and profile management
-Detailed expertise in Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Lync
-Good knowledge of OS, application or infrastructure monitoring (e.g. SCOM)
-Good knowledge and experience of systems management toolsets (e.g. KACE, System Centre)
-Good knowledge of Spam filtering
-Good knowledge of MS TMG forward / reverse proxy
-Good knowledge of IIS6 / IIS7
-Good knowledge of Sophos AV
-Good knowledge of SAN / Storage familiarity
-Understanding of the capabilities and limits of software and hardware
-Basic understanding of network infrastructure (switches / hubs / cabling)
-Have excellent time management skills
-Have outstanding oral and written communication skills

-Be a fast learner
-Be able to work calmly under pressure and meet deadlines
-Have a 100% positive attitude

От себя добавлю, что вы должны быть в Окленде и иметь как минимум рабочую визу.

Резюме слать мне на мыло пжлста -> work [ат] in26 точка ru
Ну или, если хотите, напрямую на работодателя -> humanresources [ат] revera точка co точка nz
Tags: НЗ, Окленд, вакансии, вечер, дома, объявление
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